This guest post is by Kerry Magro, a motivational speaker, best-selling author who’s on the autism spectrum. Love me for the person I am and I’ll do the same with you. Here’s what you need to know first: shy guys aren’t playing games. Ask personal questions about you, maybe blush in front of you. Some times I may be too nervous to even look at a woman at all tho. But I think there are things that motivate people to behave in certain ways that are not relevant to whether or not they like you. Eye contact is one of the sure signs that someone is into you. Again, not saying whether this guy likes you or not. When a guy respects you and your brain, he’s understanding when you don’t want to do something, whether it be something new in bed or a movie you just don’t feel like seeing. I have no idea. But some common signs include having trouble with social interactions, repetitive behavior, extra-sensitivity to light, sound, smell, and touch, and emotional detachment. This game could go on all night long, so rather than wonder what’s up, read the signs as you see them. MORE: Exactly How To Tell If A Guy Likes You At Work: 16 Giveaway Signs 6. This time I asked my girlfriend to weigh in. As you can see, some couples probably won’t be able to overlook certain situations, or deal with a lot of the effects that someone Autistic will face — and that’s OK too. You can learn more about Kerry on Twitter. Observing his body language and eye contact will tell you if a guy likes you before he does it himself, trust me. When you like someone, you tend to look deeply into their eyes for longer than you would with any other person. For me I'll make eye contact/gaze at you more and smile/smirk. How to tell if a shy guy likes you?. The easiest way to get the answer is to go through all the signs he likes you more than a friend!. Like autism, love doesn't discriminate based on race, age, gender, religion, sexuality and disability. This is a confidence issue. I think it's obviously hard to read us, but I would assume you can tell with many of the same signs an atypical guy would give off. If he notices your new haircut and gives you undivided attention while still allowing you your personal space, those are all obvious signs of a guy’s clear affection, and you can ask any relationship expert about that being the case. Now that you have some quick insight into what being with a shy guy is really about, it’s time to answer the question we started with. Respecting your decision is a sign of a healthy relationship, and if the guy you’re with doesn’t do that, then he’s probably a creep. He looks into your eyes. What dating an autistic man is like I've written before about autism and dating from my own perspective. He might be dying to talk to you, but isn’t sure if you’re into him. 27 surefire signs a shy guy likes you. If my girlfriend, when I had first known her and wasn't yet comfortable with her, had invited me round for coffee, I would have said no. 1.