Tarot card images courtesy of the Everyday Tarot, The Wild Unknown and Lumina Tarot. Welcome to the Aeclectic Tarot Forum, the largest and oldest Tarot bulletin board community online. The 4 of Wands tarot love meaning can bring about engagements, marriages, or other gatherings that commemorate you and your love. Please use filter to find your card's combination. Acknowledge your hard work and give yourself permission to take a small break before embarking on the next phase of your journey. This card indicates a sense of harmony and balance as well as completion and thus denotes a time of peace and contentment in life that comes as the result of hard-fought efforts. Before going into more detail about the symbolism inherent in the Two of Wands it seemed to me imperative to remind you about the particularities of the Twos. You should be proud! The card shows a hand that is sticking out of a cloud while holding the wand. Or, you may invite a few of your favourite friends over for an intimate dinner for no particular reason except to revel in each other’s company. Positive, Inspiring, Uplifting Spells That Work, Whether this is your first approach to the Tarot deck or you are rekindling an old flame, this video course will give you the tools to start performing readings and divinations with confidence. Four of Wands's Meaning. Sabbats: Celebrations and Rituals You do not feel compelled to proclaim this achievement to others, instead choosing to create your own special reward for the hard work you put in. Refusing to fight . The Four of Wands relates to the number 30 / 3 and brings in a love of pleasure and happiness. Interpretation of 4 of Wands Thoth Tarot 1. Four of Wands tarot card and Astrology. This card represents the idea of the cosmic order (deeper: the origin of the world). When the world is beating you down, there is comfort in the silence of isolation. Posted on December 27, ... Four of Wands: Four of Cups: Five of Wands: Five of Cups: Six of Wands: Six of Cups: Seven of Wands: Seven of Cups: Eight of Wands: ... Visit the Forum to discuss this topic and others! Four wooden wands bound at their tops by foliage rise in front of an elegant castle and a golden sky to represent the Four of Wands. A Fresh, Modern, Practical Guide for Everyone, Love this deck?Buy theEveryday Tarot Deck, UPRIGHT: Celebration, joy, harmony, relaxation, homecoming. Four of Cups and Seven of Wands. When we look at this card, we can see that the hand is reaching out to offer the wand, which is still growing. Four of Wands Tarot Card Meaning . The Four of Wands predicts traveling to a relaxing retreat or a house by the lake. A place to practice and appreciate the art of Tarot, cartomancy, and other esoteric arts. Each wand is adorned with the feature of a dove for Venus, or a ram for Aries. The Ace of Wands Tarot Card Description. The card meanings and symbolism, and the many ways of reading Tarot cards. Taking a relationship break. Cult of Tarot Forum. This card carries with it joy and merriment. a. When you finally do arrive at the finish line, it’ll be worth celebrating with friends and family. In a love Tarot reading, the Four of Pentacles is not a great card to get. Refusing to get caught up in the illusion of their. Given the upright Four of Wands reflects stability, the reversal of this card can suggest that you are going through an upheaval during which you have little stability and security. When you see this card in your reading you should breathe a sigh of relief and rest easy in the fact that problems in your life are on their way out and easier times are ahead of you. Daily Devotional: Today’s Candle and Magical Correspondences, ‘Money Bags’: A Powerful Spell with Cinnamon and Coins, ‘Now & Forever’: Reconciliation Spell with Candle and Photo, Upright and Reversed Meanings: Major Arcana, Upright and Reversed Meanings: Minor Arcana, ▶️ Introduction to Witchcraft: 5 Steps for Beginners, Candle Magic: Properties & Uses of Yellow Candles, ▶️ Knight of Wands: Upright & Reversed Meaning, ▶️ Spring Cleansing Chant: Imbolc Blessings, Spell for Positive Thinking: Daily Checklist, Magickal Prompts for Journaling Every Day. NOTE: The Tarot card meaning description is based on the Rider Waite cards. Energy. These video lessons will cover: The wonderful thing about this journey is that once you begin, you will realize that you have the power to answer all and any questions. Four of Wands is the tarot card for harmony and developing more security on a larger scale, often expanding your living situation, and also becoming more connected to a community. The Tarot expert Rachel Pollack connects the Four of Wands with the Major Arcana card, the Tower. Recalling, in the influence it exerts, The Chariot, the Seven of Wands is usually considered as a highly beneficial card, carrying a powerful truth that draws its energy from the Earth.From a numerological point of view, it is interesting to note that the 7 is the last prime number of the non-court arcana, thus testifying to the end of one period and the beginning of a new adventure. The Four of Wands The Four of Wands is a joyful card that indicates weddings, community and celebrations. You may experience multiple changes in your life, such as changing jobs, moving house or leaving a relationship. Peace and security follow in the wake of the Four of Wands, usually in the smaller aspects of your life. You may also be in the midst of your journey and yet to reach the finish line, hence preferring to honour this mini-milestone privately. The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings. If you are in a relationship, it can indicate that either you or your partner may be acting in a possessive, jealous or controlling manner which could be having a negative effect on your relationship. Tarot isn’t just for divination – it can also be a wonderful tool for guidance. The Four of Wands shows two happy people dancing and celebrating with flowers in their hands. That is why we choose to celebrate birthdays, weddings, and holidays with food, drink and laughter. 4 of Swords (RWS)of (PCS)? a. The Four of Wands is the minor echo of two cards in the Tarot’s Major Arcana: The Empress and Temperance. Lessons are added on a weekly basis. The structure that the wands create is called a chuppah and is generally associated with wedding ceremonies. The calculator find matches from your selected tarot cards. The reversed Four of Wands can also mean that you have achieved a level of inner harmony and stability. While you know this is an important transition – one you need to make – it can be quite unsettling, knocking you out of balance and making you feel uncertain about your future. It represents family, friends and good times. If you're new, click below to create an account! If the Four of Wands appears in your cards, it is indeed time for a celebration. Business is also likely to be going very well at this time. Forum: Threads: Posts: Tarot: Using Tarot Cards. The Four of Wands is a card of celebration and a safe and secure home environment. Four of Wands Imagery The four wands are arranged in a pattern to create the eight spokes of the wheel of the year. Four of Cups and Moon. Four of Cups and Four of Swords. Post by Lucifall » Sun Aug 18, 2019 10:46 am How do you paint a card that strives for harmony like Libra, is under the benevolent double rule of Jupiter, is quiet to the point of static like the number Four but contains the cardinal Air energy of early Autumn, and will soon move on to the realm of Scorpio, i.e., death? The Four of Wands reversed also has its shadow side. Sign up to get access to all exclusive content, and keep Spells8 ad-free! Whether this be a person coming into your life quickly with a lot of enthusiasm in their personality or something you have been wanting to change in your life which is on the verge of happening “now". Venus in Aries . Intuitive Tarot: 31 Days to Learn to Read Tarot Cards and Develop Your Intuition. Tension might be rumbling between family members or loved ones, and you keep finding yourself getting caught up in other people’s concerns and relationship problems. When this card appears in a Tarot reading, it is the perfect time to celebrate with those you love most. So, go, and have a good time. The Four of Cups tarot card in a yes or no reading also signifies being held back by negative emotions such as defeat or frustration. This may leave you uncertain about your relationships and what (or whom) you can and cannot depend on. relationship . All you need to do is select your spread cards and … 4 of swords + Seven of wands: Healthcare. Sign in to Spells8 and become part of a new and exciting experience. Do not let the limited scope bring you to underestimate the joy that simple successes can bring, however: This is a card of good endings and fresh starts. In the foreground, a beautiful wreath abounding with blossoms and grapes suspends between wands. Because the Four of Wands associates so closely with the home environment, you may work on improving or renovating your house or are close to finding a new one. Privacy and Terms. Learn the meaning of the Four of Wands for love, relationships, futures, romance, outcomes, exes, feelings, intentions, reconciliations, as a yes or no, marriage, pregnancies, positives, negatives, and more. The Four of Wands can show that you are returning home or to the people and places familiar to you. Prominent in the Four of Wands is the planet Venus. If you’re in a stable relationship built on a strong foundation of trust, support and understanding, your union may be strengthened even more with the support and witness of your family and friends. The Four of Swords reversed can represent a need to get out of this antisocial tomb you have created for yourself. The original will of 2 of Wands is spiritually anchored through 3 of Wands Thoth and is limited in space (concretized) in card number 4. Tarot Meaning: The 4 of Wands often indicates that you may be attending a special event - one which will be way more fun than you are anticipating. Perhaps you recently purchased a home and are getting ready to settle down in your new habitat. a. Visit the Forum to discuss this topic and others! Telecom. What is the Meaning of the Four of Wands Tarot Card? You may commemorate a significant event or milestone such as a wedding, birthday, homecoming or reunion. The people falling from the Tower are wearing similar clothing as the people in the Four of Wands. Upright Four of Wands. Quick links. Cult of Tarot Forum. The Page of Wands is a card of energy. We put the "Cult" in "Occult" Skip to content. Tarot combinations calculator is cards spread matches finder. Four of wands tarot card meanings upright. Inside the planet is a heavenly woman’s face – representing Goddess Venus. In this series, we’ll explore the advice options for every card. When this card appears in a Tarot reading, it is the perfect time to celebrate with those you love most. You feel supported and secure, knowing you are with those who love you and care about you. Four of Wands Tarot Card Meaning. In numerology, four symbolises stability and firm foundations, and with the Four of Wands, you are now enjoying a period of happiness and security. Make sure you are logged in to start watching the Video Course. Tarot combinations limited to show 100 objects only. If you doubted yourself in the past or struggled with self-acceptance or empathy, the appearance of this card is a welcome sign that you have found a sense of greater balance within yourself. It does not indicate it's over, but that a time-out is needed. It’s essential you observe these smaller milestones. With a Tarot deck by your side, you can make clear decisions, deal with challenges confidently, and find alternate routes when necessary. It tells us that you have been feeling stagnant and you may have trouble seeing the path you need to take to be happy once again. Have any questions? You are free of the noise, stresses, and criticisms that come from dealing with the people around you. This card, with its four wands holding up garlands, implies that the foundation is finished and ready to be developed. Relax and let your hair down – enjoy this special time together! It also tells of the higher energies of the Trinity and of the energies of creative ability in all areas of your life. Together, these elements represent the joy and satisfaction that comes with achieving an important goal or milestone. The Four of Wands reversed can indicate that you are celebrating the achievement of a personal goal, for example, reaching your goal weight, quitting smoking, or doing yoga for 30 days in a row. Tarot Cards & Reviews Free Tarot Readings Tarot Forum Tarot Card Meanings Tarot Spreads. 4 of swords + Ace of wands: Focusing on a new beginning. All Rights Reserved. When The Empress is present, your happy event and the subsequent surprises take on an elegant, classy tone and lead to a financial resolution. The Tarot's four Two cards are generally misunderstood by newcomers to cartomancy. Got questions? Or can't find what you’re looking for? We put the "Cult" in "Occult" Skip to content. You can't get a more interesting couple of characters than the hummingbird and a little fairy building a nest and creating a home out of four wands. , Learning the symbolism of each card is a unique experience of connection with the Divine and with your intuition. Sing-alongs at the camp fire and camping trips that bring people together are probable. Tarot Ritual: 4-Card Daily Spread. 4 of swords + Four of wands: A community where everyone knows your name. A place to practice and appreciate the art of Tarot, cartomancy, and other esoteric arts. The Four of Wands is a card of joyful celebration, blissful happiness and appreciation for the good things in life. The Four of Wands tells you that after a period of rapid growth and expansion (the energy of the Three of Wands), it’s now time to pause and celebrate what you have achieved so far. The cycle is complete and it also closes itself. connection with Queen of Wands? Wands are associated with fire energy, and the Ace of Wands is the core representation of fire within the deck. 4 of swords + Eight of wands: The internet. You have ‘come home’ to yourself and your Inner Being. It may point to a lack of harmony or a breakdown in communication in your family or household. You may also go through a period of transition in your family and home life and experience some discomfort as a result. I really wanted to create something different with this card. © 2021 Biddy Tarot. Step back for a moment and enjoy the fruits of your labour. The Four of Wands is a card of joyful celebration, blissful happiness and appreciation for the good things in life. The message is: Free yourself from your prison and break down the walls before they become too narrow. The Four of Wands is an excellent card to have in your reading and indicates celebration, socializing, or an important event regarding work and relationships. Recent Videos. You know who you are and why you are here. 4 of swords + Ace of cups: Spiritual healing. Help us choose a Coven Name! The Four of Wands (just like other fours) is associated with a Demiurge – a god who believes that he is truly a god, without knowing the primal forces that created him (think Zeus, Ammon, etc.) SYMBOLISM. Home to conversations on every aspect imaginable of reading and using Tarot cards. ✨. a. The Artist's Concept. 4 of swords + Ten of wands: Night shifts. It often reflects a wedding, engagement or other event whereby a … Discover the Four of Wands Tarot card meaning for love and relationships. Four of Cups and Nine of Swords. Shift work. Four of Wands Posted on November 2, 2020 in Whether this is your first approach to the Tarot deck or you are rekindling an old flame, this video course will give you the tools to start performing readings and divinations with confidence. You may commemorate a significant event or milestone such as a wedding, birthday, homecoming or reunion. If you have been working on a project, you will reach an important milestone and have reason to celebrate. It is human nature to celebrate rites of passage in our own lives as well as in the lives of those we love, honor, and respect. The Four of Wands is the number four, and fours in a reading indicate the realization of one’s goals. Read on, and enjoy! Our Daily Spread for Jan. 20, 2011. by Emily | Jan 20, 2011 | Four Card Spreads, Our Daily Spread, Tarot Verbatim. All prices in USD. REVERSED: Personal celebration, inner harmony, conflict with others, transition. In the background, another group of people (perhaps a family) stand in front of a large castle, representing the safety and comfort of the home. If you just wrapped up your project, the Four of Wands represents the personal gratification of a job well done, a goal attained, and a vision beginning to be realised.