A fairly straightforward Midrange deck, Fiora and Shen have natural synergy as Fiora makes obvious and threatening use of Barrier along with her and her preferred Followers' Challenger ability. So you want to join the ranks of Demacia…you’ve come to the right place! hide. It will cost 27600 Shards to build this deck. It has 3 Fiora, 6 burst-speed barrier spells, 7 barrier-giving units, and 3 Single Combats. share. This deck uses Ionia, Demacia Cards and Shen, Fiora as its champions, it also has 18 Units and 16 Spells. Deck tags: Barrier, Fast, Burst, Strike, Challenger, Support, Lifesteal, Fury, LastBreath Demacia Fiora Deck – Single Combat, Radiant Strike, Chain Vest, Rally, Back to Back, Riposte, Prismatic Barrier, Ranger’s Resolve, Brightsteel Protector, Laurent Protege Freljord Fiora Deck – Entreat (always pulls Fiora which turns into a Riposte if Fiora is already out on the field), Elixer of Iron, Take Heart, Fury of the North, Kindly Tavernkeeper, Brittle Steel In total thats 7 Common, 3 Rare, 2 Epic and 6 Champions. Support: Give my supported ally Barrier this round. In this video, we take an in-depth look at how to play the new Barrier Fiora deck in Legends of Runeterra. Discover the top Legends of Runeterra meta decks that the best players have been playing. Runeterra Decks Runeterra Cards. Instead of trying to drop your opponent’s Nexus HP, you’ll try to create a one-time look with A Fiora’s 4-kill winning condition or a massive Greenglade Caretaker that you’ve trained with barriers. You knew there was supposed to be a Fiora + Shen deck there, didn’t you? It may not be as "all-in" as the original Fiora decks you're referencing, but that's more than enough to threaten an insta-win. It’s also one of the best combo decks in Legends of Runeterra that would be frustrating for most opponents to deal with. Somehow none of them quite roll off the tongue. Barrier Fiora Deck [S] This deck combines challenger and barrier to remove enemy creatures and protect their own. Barrier Fiora deck. This unit can either be Fiora, Aphelios, or a Dragon/Celestial unit that you generate from Egghead Researcher or Starshaping. A library of the best Legends of Runeterra decks, created and rated by players like you! The second deck is all about Elite units and quickly flooding the board. 0 comments. The Veiled Temple allows that … If you don’t know how Fiora works, she levels up if she gets two kills without dying. Like I said earlier, this guide is part of a series where I’ll go over all the top decks in the meta so you have all the resources needed to learn the deck you want and improve as a player. It’s a Demacia-Ionia deck that follows one rule: Draw Fiora and spam Barrier on her until she gets her four kills. With Ionia as your secondary deck, you can provide Fiora with an extra Barrier which will protect her from harm when she attacks and aid you in leveling her up more efficiently. At any rate post-patch, two of the biggest dogs around are Anivia and Twizz (Go Fish). RuneterraFire's decks are frequently updated by our friendly deck building community, so you can keep up with Legends of Runeterra meta decks and stay on top! Greenglade Caretaker x 3 3. Since the entire deck is based around Fiora, it goes without saying that a lot of other units and spells will be going towards protecting and further strengthening Fiora. Fiora/shen created by Heladito con. Fiora Barrier is a combo deck that combines Fiora and Shen capable of dealing one-hit blows to your opponent. Fiora Shen (☹) has quite reasonable matchups into both of those, and an all-around solid plan against anything random showing up to get in its way. Champions. Fiora Aphelios Temple is a Demacia / Targon deck that focuses on protecting, buffing, and leveling up a single unit on board. Challenger Barrier? x 3 4. Check out this new deck guide for Exodia Fiora the best Fiora deck. Updated February 22, 2021 Hi everyone, den here to talk about one of the newly revealed champions from the Shurima expansion: Jarvan IV and the cards he brings alongside him. The deck can win through normal combat but can also win easily through Fiora’s alternate win condition against decks that try to utilize smaller followers. Get a full deck breakdown including decklist, build, mana curve, card rarities, and which region and champion combinations are best for Shen decks. How to Play. The Barrier Deck Build is one of the Best LoR Deck Builds. Barrier Fiora from Hewitt Benson suits players who appreciate flexible strategies. Find the best Shen decks for the current Legends of Runeterra meta, created and rated by players like you! Barrier Fiona is a Legends of Runeterra Deck Guide by Guest. Ótimo para aprender mecânicas de jogo e contra Decks … Elite units for Demacia are undoubtedly strong, easy to obtain, and play well against most decks. Fiora Barrier. Barrier Fiora from Hewitt Benson suits players who appreciate flexible strategies. report. Yusari x 3 2. c là Greenglade, với deck này, số lượng spell cộng với việc có unit Rivershaper thì việc có cho mình 1 dãy spell buff Barrier là không khó và đây cÅ©ng là 1 hướng đi … Create and share your own decks with the community. Barrier Fiora from Hewitt Benson suits players who appreciate flexible strategies. Deck tags: Challenger, Barrier, Burst, Fast, Strike, Support, Lifesteal, Elusive If that sounds appealing then this deck is for you. All ; Animal Crossing Gameplay guides x 3 1. This Budget Elite deck, first designed by Swim, is a safe bet in our LoR: Best Budget Decks For New Players guide. Legends of Runeterra decks … save. Tempo Challenger? Shen x 3 3. Barrier Fiora Deck [S] This deck combines challenger and barrier to remove enemy creatures and protect their own. $@^& your aggro deck? 100% Upvoted. Shen can give Barrier to Fiora, protecting her upon attack, keeping her alive and helping her level up. This Challenger Barrier Deck Build is one of the Best LoR Fiora Deck Builds, you can find many cards that are good with Fiora in Legends of Runeterra here. Fiora/Shen is the typical example of a strong midrange deck, and it has proven itself as a working winning formula in LoR over a long period of time. The deck can win through normal combat but can also win easily through Fiora’s alternate win condition against decks that try to utilize smaller followers. Fiora Shen is a deck that uses Barrier to protect high threat units to generate value. Barrier Fiora Deck Overview. Unfortunately for the victims of the deck, it’s also very, very good. Create Deck. Here you can create a unique and fun combination to kill your opponent if you play your cards correctly. It feels like such an annoying playstyle that leaves me with no option, and I feel like I'm too new to comprehend the weaknesses of it fully. You can have explosive openers with turn 1 Tracker into turn 2 Brightsteel Protector. Barrier Fiora created by Lewis Burnell. Discover the Barrier Fioria Legends of Runeterra deck build on Decks.gg and analyze it's cards. In total thats 7 Common, 3 … Esse deck de Fiora tem como base magias defensivas Ionianas, Barreira e aumento de poder das cartas, além do suporte de Shen. Is there any deck within Bilgewater or Shadow Isles that have a counter to a Fiora barrier deck? "Like hands clasped, the mortal and spirit realms intertwine..." Budget Barrier (Demacia + Ionia) Animal Crossing. Using this deck, you have two win conditions. See this deck's card breakdown, regions, rarity breakdown, and mana curve on RuneterraFire. Ionia and Demacia both have access to powerful and reactive Burst spells to change the flow of combat and preserve threatening ranks of Followers if Fiora does not secure a quick victory on her own. Legends of Runeterra: Demacia Region Guide. Spend Shen’s barrier on Fiora to keep her on the board and level her up. decks.gg runeterra decks Barrier Fioria Barrier Fioria. Discard Aggro (Image credit: Riot) Playstyle - Discard cards in order quickly shred through your opponent’s units. At 3 and 4 mana, Fiora and Shen are strong early threats.Always try to replace your hand (hard-mulligan) if you don’t receive. Fiora Followers. Publisher - game play guides and game news. Rivershaper x 3 5. Aside from this win condition, this deck contains a lot of other synergies, such as Greenglade Caretaker , which gains 2 attack whenever a friendly unit is given Barrier, … This deck uses Ionia, Demacia Cards and Shen, Fiora as its champions, it also has 18 Units and 16 Spell Cards.